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Slide Show


The Man Who

Today was the day
For dancing and for singing
The birds in the trees
And all the bells are ringin’
The sun in the sky
Is bright is bright as second sight
Is bright, oh God I hope I'm alright
‘Cause I'm gonna cry
So hold on, hold on
Slow down, slow down
Your’re out of touch
Out of touch
‘Cause there is no design for life
There’s no devil's haircut in my mind
There is not a wonderwall to climb
Or step around
But there is a slide show and it's so slow
Flashing through my mind
Today was the day
But only for the first time

But there is no design for life
There’s no devils haircut in your mind
There is not a wonderwall to climb
Or step around
But there is a slide show and it's so slow
Flashing through your mind
Today is the day, but only for the first time
I hope it's not the last time

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