Página inicial > Indie > T > Travis > Only Molly Knows

Only Molly Knows


The Man Who

When the day is done
Oh Molly Molly
Will I be the one

When the day is through
Oh Molly Molly
Will I be with you

Tell me what to do
Oh Molly Molly
Let me follow through

'Cos I am lost at sea
Oh Molly Molly
Haven't got a clue

All I have to show
For all the years below
Only Molly knows

When the lights go down
Oh Molly Molly
Will you be around

When the lights are gone
Oh Molly Molly
Will you leave the town

Tell me what is wrong
Oh Molly Molly
Let me sing a song

'Cos I have lost the will
Oh Molly Molly
Cannot carry on

All I have to show
For all the years below
Only Molly knows

When the day is done
Oh Molly Molly
Will I be the one

When the day is through
Oh Molly Molly
Will I be with you

Tell me what to do
Oh Molly Molly
Let me follow through

Where are we to be tomorrow Molly
Haven't got a clue

All I have to show
For all the years below
Only Molly knows

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