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New Shoes


Where You Stand

From the baby in the womb to the burden in the room
From the body in the tomb to the man on the moon
From the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill
From the hole in your head when you can't sit still

All wrapped up in a cotton bud
Watch the sun go down and watch it come back up
Take another sip from the broken cup
Drippin' little tap keeps me woken up
Oh oh

New shoes, old blues
Walking round the streets of London town singing
Up on the roof
If I lose, you lose
You and I could spend our time just lying dreaming
Of Hollywood
With these new shoes

From the people in the front to the people in the back
To the people in the back, can you hear the stack?
From the down and the out to the uptown girl
From the daisy chain to the string of pearls

All wrapped up in a cotton bud
Watch the sun go down and watch it come back up
Oh oh

New shoes, old blues
Walking round the streets of London town singing
Up on the roof
If I lose, you lose
You and I could spend our time just lying dreaming
Of Hollywood
With these new shoes

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