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Long Way Down


Ode To J.Smith

It's a long way down
Above the two tone town
And it's no funny
when you're stuck in the middle
I'm coming up for air
I could be anywhere
It makes no difference
when you live in a puddle
Now that I see it
How can I breath
When my heart's in my mouth
And not on my sleeve
Better run little rabbit
Back to your hole in the ground
It's a long way down
It's a long way down
The people look so small
Sliding off the wall
Getting dizzy
as the fall in the gutter
I watch the seagull
Swooping past the steeple
Crying for his dinner
as he shits on the sinners
Now that I see it
How can I breathe
When my heart's in my mouth
Instead of my sleeve
Better run little rabbit
Back to your hole in the ground
It's a long way down
An eye for an eye
You'd say
you'd never take a side
I'm too young to die
They're never taking me
They're never taking me alive
They're never taking me alive
They're never taking me alive

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