Página inicial > Indie > T > Travis > Follow The Light

Follow The Light


The Invisible Band

Nobody really knows where they're supposed to go.
Hiding behind a wall.
Afraid that they'll lose it all, but it's alright,
just follow the light, and don't be afraid of the dark.
In the moonlight you'll dance'til you fall,
and always be here in my heart.
But nobody wants to know cos nobody even cares.
Everyone's undermined, yeah and everyone's out for themselves.
Me I'm on the longest road.
Where everything's overload.
But I've got my heart and soul,
so don'tthrow me overboard cos it's alright,
just follow the light, and don't be afraid of the dark.
In the moonlight, you'll dance 'til you fall
and always be here in my heart.
Cos it's alright, just follow the light,
and don't be afraid of the dark.
In the moonlight, you'll dance 'til you fall,
and always be here in my heart.
Cos it's alright, alright now.
And you're alright.
Yeah, we're alright now.

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