The Linda Lindas


The Linda Lindas

Growing Up

You hear us shouting but you don't hear a word
You know we're dying but you say that we're jerks
You keep on going but you think it's fine

You think it's fine!
You say it's fine!
You tell 'em it's fine!
It's not fine

It's not fine
It's not fine

You hear the shouting but you say it's absurd
The things you say are more than just words
You keep on talking you think it's fine

You think it's fine!
You say it's fine!
You tell em' it's fine!
It's not fine

It's not fine
It's not fine

You hear the shouting but you don't feel a word
You see the light say you're vision is blurred
Tell me it's nothing ha you tried

You think it's fine!
You say it's fine!
You tell 'em it's finе!

It's not fine!

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