The Linda Lindas

Big Mouth

The Linda Lindas

Regravação de The Muffs

I don't like you and I won't pretend to
Now I'm gonna get you out of my way into another
How I ever trusted you I will never know
And it all seemed so long ago

What you say
Will come back to you
What you say
Will come back to you
What you say
Will come back to your big mouth

I believed you and I thought I knew you
And I told you things that I would never tell anybody else
And now it's common knowledge to everyone
And now I can't face anyone

What you say
Will come back to you
What you say
Will come back to you
What you say
Will come back to your big mouth

I never thought you'd do it now
Never thought you'd ever tell them that
You have a big mouth

Whoa, you have told everyone
And now I can't face anyone

What you say
Will come back to you
What you say
Will come back to you
What you say
Will come back to your big mouth

Big mouth, big mouth
Big mouth, big mouth
Big mouth

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