Sofi Tukker
Página inicial > S > Sofi Tukker > Awoo (Feat. Betta Lemme)

Awoo (Feat. Betta Lemme)

Sofi Tukker

Soft Animals

I know, I did not raise a wrist
I know, I did not capture it
It came (it came)
It went (it went)
It conquered (it conquered) quick
I was there and then I quit

I know, I did not raise a wrist
I know, I did not capture it
It came (it came)
It went (it went)
It conquered (it conquered) quick
I was there and then I quit

I know, I did not raise a wrist
I know, I did not capture it
It came (it came)
It went (it went)
It conquered (it conquered) quick
I was there and then I quit

Compositores: Sofi Tukker,Betta Lemme

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