Soccer Mommy
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Still Clean

Soccer Mommy


In the summer
You said you loved me like an animal
Stayed beside me
Just enough to keep your belly full
Then you took me down to the water got your mouth all clean
Left me drowning once you picked me out your bloody teeth

Spent the autumn
In the forest hunting for a wolf
Tried to find you
Stopped my searching when the nights grew cold
Dreamt I saw you down by the water
with your mouth still clean
You were searching - I came to you and you said to me
That I'm not –

Only what you wanted for a little while
Only what you wanted for a little while
Only what you wanted for a little while
Only what you wanted for a little while

Through the winter
I was shuttered in between my sheets
Checked the window
Just to see if you'd come back to me
The spring was coming, I saw you running down to the creek
A ring finger fell to the water from your bloody teeth
I guess I'm –

Only what you wanted for a little while
Only what you wanted for a little while
Only what you wanted for a little while
Only what you wanted for a little while

Compositor: Sophie Allison

Letra enviada por Leandro Lima

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