Soccer Mommy
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Skinned Knees

Soccer Mommy

For Young Hearts

Soft face
Playing in the autumn streets
With blood laced shoes

I fake
Stomach aches when I'm in school
To wait there for you
Yeah I do

Old flames
Grow and die with every year
But you stay hot

'Cause you're fucking crazy
You skinny dip your neighbors pool
But you won't get caught

No you won't

I think I'm falling baby, oh yeah, I'm falling
And I won't ever let you go
I think I'm falling baby, oh shit, I'm falling
And I won't ever let you go

Skinned knees
Face down in the autumn street
A concrete rash

And you cried
Shed a tear for auburn blood
That you won't get back

No you won't

I left
Burning streets in Tennessee
For a north-east feel

But summer
Always hurts think of you first
And your skin peel
Yeah I do

'Cause I was falling baby, oh I was falling
Now I won't ever let you go
Yeah, I was falling baby, oh shit, I'm falling
Now I won't ever let you
No I won't ever let you
No I won't ever let you go

Compositor: Sophie Allison

Letra enviada por j-rod ∞

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