Soccer Mommy
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Following Eyes

Soccer Mommy

Sometimes, Forever

I saw something
Strangest light above the more
So I pulled in
And headed down the service road
And when the fog grew
Far too thick for me to see
I cut the engine
And I wandered through the scene

I lost the way back
And I was swallowed in the night
I felt thrown in
Like a moth to candle light
An awful feeling
Started deep and over me
And what I saw was
Like no horror I had seen

Following eyes
Stand in the night
Something whispering from below
A hole in the side
A chill in the spine
Something with him in the cloud
Following eyes
Stand in the night
Something whispering from below
A hole in the side
A chill in the spine
I thought I must have seen

I need the half-moon
The Witching Hour had me bound
An operation
Called to me without a sound
A faulted stair light
A million spiders on my skin
A kind of haunted
That's gripped me over sound

Following eyes
Stand in the night
Something whispering from below
A hole in the side
A chill in the spine
Something with him in the cloud
Following eyes
Stand in the night
Something whispering from below
A hole in the side
A chill in the spine
I thought I must have seen
I thought I must have seen a ghost

Compositor: Sophie Allison

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