



I want to be your secret
Or at least, its keeper
I want to be your pearl
Or at least, its shell

I want to be the army
Or at least, its trojan horse
I want to be the well
Or at least, be the source

I want to know my god
At least, enough to fear her
If I can't be the song
At least have mercy, let me hear her

I want to be your muse
Or at least, the mistress
I want to be your bible
Or at least, its witness

I want to know my god
At least, enough to fear her
If I can't be the song
At least have mercy, let me hear her

I want to know my god
At least, enough to fear her
If I can't be the song
At least have mercy, let me hear her
If I can't be the song
At least have mercy, let me hear her

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