Myles Kennedy
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The Ides of March

Myles Kennedy

The Ides of March

Some say you never know
It's easy come, it's easy go
Some say they knew it from the start

Some say the end is nigh
That no one will get out alive
Some say it's written in the stars
Beware the Ides of March

Well, just beyond the blue horizon
We see the clouds begin to form
Don't be afraid, we must keep fighting
And cling to courage in the storm

And if you listen very closely
And don't throw caution to the wind
Take it easy, take it slowly
You'll save yoursеlf before the еnd

So much is changing
Who we are, what we are
There's no point in waiting
Beware the Ides of March

In streets of fire you hear the screaming
For what some think is left to lose
Life is precious, it's worth keeping
Too many's end may come too soon

Please don't forsake me
Don't break my heart, don't break my heart
All I am saying
Beware the Ides of March

Like an early warning
As the storm is forming
It is time
Beware the Ides of March
The Ides of March
The Ides of March
The Ides of March

Please don't forsake me
Don't break my heart, don't break my heart
All I am saying
Beware the Ides of March
Beware the Ides of March

But I believe there is a way
I still believe it's not too late
Don't let this fall apart, don't let it fall apart
Break the divide, just step away
Cool heads prevail in times of change
Remember who we are
Remember what we are
Remember what we're meant to be

Some say you never know
It's easy come, it's easy go
Some say they knew it from the start
Beware the Ides of March

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