Myles Kennedy

In Stride

Myles Kennedy

The Ides of March

You can panic, you can burrow and wait
Impending doom is always on the take
One day you'll wake up, it'll be too late
You didn't take it all in stride
You can tremble as you fear for your life
You can bitch about the sign of the times
But the truth is that you gotta decide
If you're only wasting your life

Cool down, baby, you know you're gonna burn out in time
Sometimes you gotta let go and just open your mind
Just take it all in stride

The talking head, he said the end is near
He got your number, but I stay cavalier
Don't waste your time, baby, living in fear
You gotta take it all in stride
You can fortify your house on the hill
For fear the zombies gonna come for the kill
You're prepping like a fool, but you know the drill
And now you're fit to be tied
Yeah, you are

Cool down, baby, you know you're gonna burn out in time
Sometimes you gotta let go and just open your mind
It ain't no crime to behold a little beauty sometimes
Pull yourself from below and just step to the light
And just take it all in stride

Ain't no point why you wasting
All your time commiserating
With all the ghosts you never come to find
And just live your life
You know I'm right
Goddamn, I'm right

Cool down, baby, you know you're gonna burn out in time
Sometimes you gotta let go and just open your mind
It ain't no crime to behold a little beauty sometimes
Pull yourself from below and just step to the light
And just take it all in stride
And just take it all in stride
And just take it all in stride

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