Spoon feed me, and pacify us Happiness and Never Land are here in a sippy cup Oh Swaying to a lu-lullabye Banging on your party drum but baby when we turn it on
Summer summer all the time Livin' and we're feelin' fine It's all we need Lovin' lovin' every day Doesn't matter what they say Cuz we believe
In formulalalalala Formulalalalala drink it up it's good for ya Lalalala lalalala Lalalala lalalala
It's an anthem that we'd die for Nursery rhymes all of the time Listen to the four on the floor Rockabye baby cradle me more
Gimme gimme gimme things Money cars and diamond rings It's all we need Naked girls and pretty boys accessorize like they are toys And we believe
In formulalalalala Formulalalalala drink it up it's good for ya Lalalala lalalala lalalala lalalala
Formula it's in me now Cannot think I forgot how Formula corrupting me Coursing through my veins it's all in Formula it's in me now Cannot think I forgot how Formula corrupting me Coursing through my veins it's all in me Formulalala Lalalala Formulalala Lalalala