Juliane Hooper


Juliane Hooper


Nothing more to say
Empty regrets I sent away
All these fake validations I hate
This void is an opportunist's break

Always killing time
Been pretending all my life
I hate all my pointless lies
And the toll they're taking is too high

I never felt like home
Nowhere I've been before
There's no place I belong
Sometimes I feel nothing in my soul
I've been soulless, soulless, soulless, soulless, soulless

Tired of impermanent things
This whole life was defined
By the flawless facade
I live by

Always killing time
Been pretending all my life
My meaningless life
Is swallowing me whole

I never felt like home
Nowhere I've been before
There's no place I belong
Sometimes I feel nothing in my soul
I've been soulless, hopeless
Don't wanna be soulless, hopeless, soulless

Sick of having potential
Impossible decisions, poetical abuses
Sick of temporary delusions
And my house is just like my life
Incomplete and messy
Hopeless and empty
Loudly quiet
Soulless, soulless, soulless

Always killing time
Been pretending all my life
My meaningless life
Has swallowed me whole

I never felt like home
Nowhere I've been before
There's no place I belong
Sometimes I feel nothing in my soul
I've been soulless, hopeless, don't wanna be soulless
Don't wanna be soulless, soulless
Don't wanna be soulless

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