Deep Purple

Lazy Sod

Deep Purple


Oh yeah
Mhh, something burning

You know the world's on fire
And I can't get my ass out of bed
The world is on fire
There's smoke all around my head

What was I thinking about when I crashed last night

The oceans are rising
And I can't do a thing about that
So it's hardly surprising
I built an ark for me
and my sleek black cat, man

What was I thinking about when I crashed last night
Oh yes, turn off the gas
and don't forget to switch off the light

But that's all right
coz I'm a lazy sod and I'm hot, oh yeah
Don't mind me coz I'm a lazy sod
You can like it or not
I'm guessing not, oh

What was I thinking about when I crashed last night
Oh yes, turn off the gas
and don't forget to switch off the light

That's all right coz I'm a lazy sod
and I'm hot, so hot, yeah
Don't mind me coz I'm a lazy sod
Whether you like it, like it or not, oh
And I'm guessing not baby
Oh, no
So fucking what, oh

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