Página inicial > Pop/Rock > C > Coldplay > No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground

No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground


Safety EP

Sometimes I wake up, and I'm falling asleep,
And I think that maybe the curtains are closing on me,
But I wake up,
Yes I wake up,

Sometimes I feel that the chance is surprising,
Surprisingly good to be moving around,
So I wake up,
Yes I wake up,

So what? I feel fine,
I'm OK, I've seen the lighter side of life,
I'm alright, I feel good,
So I'll do, I'll try to stop moving,

Sometimes I wake up, and I'm falling asleep,
And I've got to get going so much that I wanted to do,
Yes I wake up,

And this could be my last chance,
This may be my only chance,
Yeah this could be my last chance,
No more keeping my feet on the ground.

Sometimes I feel that the chance is surprising,
Surprisingly good to be moving around,
And I move,
And I wake up,

So what? I feel fine,
I'm OK, I've seen the lighter side of life,
I'm alright, I feel good,
So I'll do, well it's time to stop moving.

And this could be my last chance,
This may be my only chance,
Yeah this could be my last chance,
No more keeping my feet on the ground.

There's nothing to keep me,
Nothing to keep me.

Compositores: Guy Rupert Berryman (Guy Berryman), Christopher Anthony John Martin (Chris Martin), Jonathan Mark Buckland (Jon Buckland), William Champion (Coldplay)
ECAD: Obra #4677720 Fonograma #2371778

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