Cage The Elephant

Out Loud

Cage The Elephant

With angry wings, I flew outta that town
I promised you I'd never turn around
Cocaine buzz and a caffeine high
Open all the windows under midnight skies

With angry wings, I flew outta that town
Chasing down a dream
Like a shadow in the breeze
From a thousand miles away
Wish you were right in front of me

Man I really messed up now
Too afraid to say it out loud
I can barely breath
Who'm I trying to be I'm still trying to figure it out
Man I really messed up now

Clipped those wings and I came back home
Tried my best just to carry on
Stick and poke tattoos meant nothing to me
As far as east to west and not a memory

Man I really messed up now
Too afraid to say it out loud
I can barely breath
Who'm I trying to be I'm still trying to figure it out
Am I too proud to say it out loud

Chasing down a dream
Like a shadow in the breeze
From a thousand miles away
Wish you were still in front of me
I don't wanna mess up now
Too afraid to say it out loud
I can barely breath
who'm I trying to be I'm still trying to figure it out

Man I really messed up now

Compositores: Caitlyn Smith, Matt Shultz

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