Bruce Springsteen
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Pay Me My Money Down

Bruce Springsteen

We Shall Overcome: the Seeger Sessions

I thought I heard the captain say
Pay me my money down
Tomorrow is our sailing day
Pay me my money down

Pay me, pay me
Pay me my money down
Pay me or go to jail
Pay me my money down

Soon as the boat was clear of the bar
Pay me money down
He knocked me down with a spar
Pay me my money down

Pay me, pay me
Pay me my money down
Pay me or go to jail
Pay me my money down


Well if I'd been a rich man's son
Pay me my money down
I'd sit on the river and watch 'er run
Pay me my money down

Pay me, pay me
Pay me my money down
Pay me or go to jail
Pay me my money down


Lets hear the trumpet!

Alright everybody,
Let's bring it up to B flat
A one two three!

Well I wish I was Mr Gates
Pay me my money down
They'd haul my money in in crates
Pay me my money down

Pay me, pay me
Pay me my money down
Pay me or go to jail
Pay me my money down

Alright somebody
Come on!

Once more trumpet!

Alright now!
Back to G
A one two, a one two three

Well fourty nights, nights at sea
Pay me my money down
Captain worked every last dollar out of me
Pay me my money down

Pay me, pay me
Pay me my money down
Pay me or go to jail
Pay me my money down

Pay me, pay me
Pay me my money down
Pay me or go to jail
Pay me my money down

Pay me, pay me
Pay me my money down
Pay me or go to jail
Pay me my money down

Everybody solo!


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