Backstreet Boys

Lose It All

Backstreet Boys

The Essential Backstreet Boys

Take what you need
Cause I can't hold my breath
Say what you feel
Cause I've got nothing left
I made a promise to myself last night
I'm gonna keep it if it's wrong or right

If I lose it all
There'll be nothing left to lose
And I would take the fall
Cause knowing you are out there breathing
Is so wonderful
It's a chance I'll take
Even if I break and
I lose it all
If I lose it all
It wouldn't matter anyway

Don't change a thing
You're perfect as you are
Time has a way
And time is all I've got
If my heart should shatter watching you
There'll be one less thing I'd have to prove


Heaven will be waiting
When I fall into your open arms
I believe you'll find me there
Find me there


Compositores: Shelly M Peiken (Peiken Shelly), Walton Steven Gagel (Walton Gagel), Andrew David Berry
ECAD: Obra #3200018 Fonograma #1325826

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