Black Eyed Peas


Black Eyed Peas

The Beginning

Love, through the tree
Past the sky
Beyond the nothern light
You'll see my delight flecting in your eyes

And I won't let go if you wait for me
Whenever, whatever and then you
Select the destination
Whatever, wherever I wanna go
Whatever, wherever I wanna go

I want I want I wanna love forever, love forever baby
Wherever, wherever you wanna go with me
To do whatever, do whatever baby
Wherever, wherever, forever together, whatever

I'd better sleep... Don't know why, you let me come alive
You and me, we collide... Ignite the starry fire
And you warm me up and you wait for it
Whenever, whatever and then you
You wake me up and you wait for it
Whenever, wherever I wanna go
Whatever, wherever I wanna go

I want I want I wanna love forever, love forever baby
Wherever, wherever you wanna go with me
To do whatever, do whatever baby
Wherever, wherever, forever together

Whatever, whatever, whatever
Whatever, whatever, whatever
Whatever, whatever
I love you forever, and ever for always
I love you whenever you need me
I'll be right there by you
Whenever you call me
I'm there when you call
Whenever you're falling
I'm there when you fall
Wherever you're going I'll be right there showing
Our loves are always growing, and growing, and growing
I know that you know it
There's no need for guessing
When I'm requesting
I'm there with no questions
As I'll go, wherever, whenever
If ever you need me I'll be here forever

Compositores: Adams, Ferguson

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